PBIS Assessment Coordinator Info
For those District Coaches who are interested in taking on the Coordinator role:
PBIS Assessment Local Coordinator accounts can be set up for all District Coaches. Once the account has been set up for the District Coach, they will open and close all survey windows for their schools and agree to the following:
Assist schools/districts to develop an evaluation plan for assessing the fidelity of PBIS Implementation.
Schedule times for schools to conduct surveys.
Train school personnel on entering survey data (e.g. SET, TIC, BoQ, BAT, SAS and SSS) with their PBIS Coach.
Ensure that school teams receive training/orientation on using data from PBIS Assessment for Decision Making and Action Planning.
Steps to Transition PBIS Assessment accounts to a District Coach:
1. For each District Coach that is taking on the coordination of PBIS Assessment for a district, complete the PBIS Assessment Local Coordinator Information Form, including contact information and all schools/districts that the District Coach needs to have in their account.
2. Return the completed Local Coordinator Information Form to the Midwest PBIS Evaluation Team (eval@midwestpbis.org) and we will forward it on to the Oregon PBIS Assessment Account Manager.
3. The District Coach will receive a confirmation email and documents from the Oregon PBIS Assessment Account Manager once the transition is processed.
4. The documents provided by University of Oregon will detail the necessary instructions for how to use the system.
Once you are set up as a PBIS Assessment Coordinator, there are Resources located on the PBIS Apps website to support you.