SWIFT at SWIS/CICO is for schools new to using the SWIS database system. The School-Wide Information System (SWIS) is a web-based decision system designed to help school/facility personnel improve the behavior support in schools and other educational facilities by providing school personnel with accurate, timely, and practical information for making decisions that lead to better outcomes for students, staff, and families.
SWIS provides schools/facilities with a practical process for helping teams make decisions about the design and management of school-wide behavior support systems, targeted interventions, and/or individual behavior support systems. It allows users to collect ongoing information about discipline events. The resulting behavior data can be instantly accessed in tables, reports, and graphs allowing for teams to easily monitor and analyze behavior trends at the school-wide, small group, and individual levels.
Who Should Participate
This training is intended for schools that have already set up new SWIS or CICO-SWIS accounts. If you have not set up a new account and are interested in doing so, please contact Diane LaMaster, diane.lamaster@midwestpbis.org.
Each school should send a minimum of three people - the building principal, Data Entry person and Data Analyst.
SWIFT at SWIS (AM Session)
Participants Should Bring/Have Available:
3-5 office discipline referrals
School calendar
Enrollment information
Daily Progress Report (DPR) Card - for CICO-SWIS only
SWIS User Manual (do not need to print, can use electronic copy – available on pbisapps.org)
SWIS-CICO User Manual (do not need to print, can use electronic copy – available on pbisapps.org)
page links checked 12-8-21 plb