Tier 2 School Team Training Cohort
Systems & CICO
Capacity Building Sequence
Who Should Participate
Tier 2 System Teams-Teams should represent your school (e.g., grade levels, departments, and those delivering advanced tiered interventions) and have authority for decision making. Recommended roles to compose this team are: administrators, general education teachers (including PE, art, music, etc), special education teachers, school-based clinicians, community based clinicians, school nurse and support staff. (Maximum of 12 team members).
This capacity building model is suitable for schools preparing to install and/or improve implementation of Tier 2. Also, suitable for teams with new membership. It is recommended that schools participating are implementing Tier 1 PBIS with or near fidelity (70%) as measured by Tiered Fidelity Inventory.
What is included in the model?
The school team is encouraged to participate in a series of training and technical assistance activities in a cohort approach with other school teams.
Training/Reboot Training is 12 hours of virtual training held over three consecutive days. The training supports development or improvement of necessary components of Tier 2 installation, while confirming necessary components of Tier 1 implementation. Action plans are developed based on current context with progress towards high fidelity implementation.
Communities of Practice- Representation from school teams (i.e., Tier 2 Coach, administrator) from training are encouarged to participate in Building Implementers - IL Networking Opportunities to monitor benchmarks of implementation, engage in ongoing problem solving, and technical assistance to support deepening implementation as they interact.
Individualized Technical Assistance- In addition to communities of practice, school coaches and/or teams can access up to two individualized virtual coaching opportunities to focus on individual needs of the school community. (2 Individualized TA Events)
What will our team be able to do?
This training and technical assistance sequence is designed to help school teams develop the capacity to install and implement effective and efficient systems for layering targeted (tier 2) interventions for students. Activities will guide school teams to plan for establishing effective operating procedures and data systems to drive decision making at secondary level.
In addition to planning for secondary systems and data, school teams will design Check-in, Check-out as an initial, low level targeted intervention within their continuum of supports.
Training Objectives:
Plan for establishing a Secondary Systems Team with efficient and effective operating procedures.
Assess current workloads to redefine roles and responsibilities of staff to support efficient systems for tier 2 implementation.
Establish effective data systems to drive decision-making for both tier 2 systems and individual student response.
Apply critical features for tier 2 behavioral interventions to install and implement Check-in, Check-out.
Why should we participate?
While initial training helps support teams in understanding and/or improving their knowledge and capacity related to Tier 2 installation, teams that receive ongoing support increase the likelihood of high fidelity implementation. As schools encounter setbacks, have questions, need support, systems have been established to support the team in problem solving, capacity building and delivering on action planning while continuously measuring outcomes.
Agendas & Materials
Day 1 - Tier 2 Systems & Teaming
- Overview of Tier 2 Systems
- Critical Features
- Team Composition
- Team Operating Procedures
Day 2 - Developing CICO & Monitoring Student Progress
- Level of Use
- Practices Matched to Student Need
- Developing CICO
- Data Decision Rules for entrance, progress monitoring and exit
Day 3 - Modified CICO, Professional Development & Monitoring Overall Implementation
- Modified CICO
- Professional Development
- Evaluation: Monitoring Fidelity and Action Planning
Examples of Tier 2 Content From Schools
Tier 2 Team Meeting Example: Use this video to help your team assess the pros/cons of a Tier II team meeting:
Part 1: https://youtu.be/OwplSr0yEI0
Part 2: https://youtu.be/9I6n-HHbPzI
Sharing Data with School and Families:
"Turkey Talk" flyer shares data about students receiving/responding to interventions from CUSD 50 in Harvard, IL
Valentine's Day sign shares Tier II data from Jefferson Elem in CUSD 50, Harvard, IL
"Mistletoe Message" flyer shares data about students receiving/responding to interventions from CUSD 50 in Harvard IL
DPR data sharing flyer from CUSD 50 in Harvard, IL
CICO info flyer from Jefferson Elem in CUSD 50, Harvard, IL
CICO: Students responding to intervention flyer from Jefferson Elem in CUSD 50, Harvard, IL
Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Completed Action Planning Document from Mona Shores High School, MI
Page checked 12-9-21 AG