
Understanding and Integrating Trauma Through PBIS Framework

"Following the Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) process for integrating PBIS and school mental health into a single system (Eber et al., 2019), trauma-informed practices become part of one multi-tiered continuum of support, benefitting from the structures that contribute to efficiency and effectiveness."

Click on any of the Content below for Training Info and Materials

Trauma Awareness Training

Participants will learn basic information about trauma, understand how trauma influences our stress response and impacts brain development. Additionally, participants will leave understanding the big picture of where trauma-informed practices fit within a three-tiered framework and interested in learning about setting up routines in the classroom for regulation, relationships, and self-awareness.

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Integrating & Installing trauma- informed practices within your current system Training

Teams participating in this training will learn to apply the core features of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) to install a trauma-informed approach that is integrated within their current PBIS framework. Teams will use virtual breakout rooms to have time for action planning 1) a professional development plan, 2) assessing and resource mapping current practices with trauma-informed lens, and 3) identifying data for monitoring fidelity and outcomes of a trauma-informed approach

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Featured Resources

Integrating a Trauma-Informed Approach within a PBIS Framework, A Practice Guide

As educators have become increasingly aware of the impact of trauma on the school success of children and youth, they have been investing in professional development about how to address childhood trauma in schools. However, evaluation to support evidence of impact is lacking. This Guide describes how to integrate trauma-informed approaches into the PBIS framework to ensure efforts are linked to student outcomes. Strategies and tools to ensure effectiveness are included.

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ADDRESSING THE IMPACT OF RACISM AND ASSOCIATED TRAUMA | Resources to Support Youth in Schools and at Home

The UW SMART Center partnered with the Northwest MHTTC to create a document that includes resources to Addressing the Impact of Racism and Associated Trauma in order to Support Youth in Schools and at Home. Intended for caregivers and educators to use as a resource to help students process feelings and stress associated with racial trauma.

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Staff Wellness:  LEADERSHIP & systems for staff self-care Training

Creating an environment that not only recognizes the importance of staff wellness but also builds a system to support staff practicing self-care starts with leaders. This session will provide building and district administrators an opportunity to assess their own stress and build a plan for their own self-care, while also reflecting upon how their current culture prioritizes and models staff wellness. Administrators will leave with their own plan for self-care, a renewed sense of a culture of staff wellness, and a commitment to supporting a team to install data, systems, and practices for staff wellness.

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Staff Wellness:  Systems and Organization for Staff Self-Care Training

Education is a helping profession and many have heard the terms compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout often associated with helping professions. The new buzz is also around practicing self-care, but with little support to help individuals practice self-care and most of all ensure our school cultures value self-care. The PBIS framework provides schools the framework to install and sustain a culture that promotes staff wellness. This session will provide individuals the opportunity to reflect on their own stress and build a self-care plan while providing teams an opportunity to plan for installing systems, practices, and data to support staff wellness.

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Page Links Updated 12-2-21