Tier 1 School Examples
Examples of Tier 1 Content from Schools
If you are interested in sharing your school's PBIS documents, please email support@midwestpbis.org with the information.
PBIS Problem Solving PPT : Involve students in solutions to defiance with this PPT. In CUSD 50 in Harvard, IL, staff airs this PPT on TVs at the front entrance and in the cafe. Students submit answers, then staff selects responses to share with the school and parent newsletters.
District Newsletter : CUSD 50 in Harvard, IL shares PBIS news with parents through their district newsletter.
Meeting Norms & Expectations flyer from CUSD 50 in Harvard, IL
Sharing PBIS Data with School Board PPT from CUSD 50 in Harvard, IL
Quarterly Celebration Student Assembly PPT from CUSD 50 in Harvard, IL
Video Examples from Schools

Video : Expect Respect Game Show
CCSD 93 (IL) uses a game show format to explain:
- S.W.A.T. (Stop, Walk, and Talk)
- what to do when you are told to "Stop" (S.B.L.: Stop, Breathe, & Leave),
and how to use "Stop" effectively
- what to do when you are a bystander to disrespect
- who to respect, and why to respect them

Video: Respect Booster
Video of all-school contest that coincides with PBIS Respect Booster (From Crosby Elementary in Harvard SD 50 in IL).

Video: School Expectations
Crosby Elementary in Harvard SD 50 (IL) has their mascot review School Expectations.
Video: Playground Expectations
Crosby Elementary in Harvard SD 50 (IL) has their mascot rap about Playground Expectations.

Video: Specific Feedback
McPhee Elementary School in Lincoln Public Schools (NE) talks about providing specific positive and corrective feedback.
Video: School Expectations
Woodland School District #50 (IL) mascots show ROAR behavior, even when no one is watching.
General PBIS Coaching Tools
The Beginner's Guide to PBIS Coaching, published by IRIS Educational Media
This guide includes:
An overview of what PBIS is
How to be an effective coach and get staff buy in
Which data tools to use and why
Implementing systems that work
Tips for meaningful meetings
Ideas for parent involvement
Coaching encouragement and resources
Rethink School Discipline: School District Leader Summit on Improving School Climate and Discipline - Resource Guide for Superintendent Action. Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education. July 2015.