Tier 3

What is Tier 3 Support from the National Center on PBIS (from PBIS.ORG)?

The PBIS Triangle—The red area represents Tier 3 that supports a few students. Tiers 1 and 2 support are still used with students engaged in Tier 3 supports.

PBIS’ framework doesn’t just work with school-wide and targeted supports. It’s also an effective way to address sometimes dangerous, often highly disruptive behaviors creating barriers to learning and excluding students from social settings.

At most schools, there are 1-5% of students for whom Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports have not connected. At Tier 3, these students receive more intensive, individualized support to improve their behavioral and academic outcomes. Tier 3 strategies work for students with developmental disabilities, autism, emotional and behavioral disorders, and students with no diagnostic label at all.

Starting Tier 3 Readiness

Do you have questions about starting PBIS Tier III Implementation?

Click here to read more 




The overall aim of the Person-centered Planning training series is to help educators to support individuals with Tier 3 needs in achieving a meaningful and fulfilling life based on their choices and aspirations. It promotes dignity, self-determination, and respect for individual values and preferences. 

Throughout this training series, participants will be expected to identify a youth, determine which person-centered planning process they will implement, implement the process with a youth and family, report their progress monthly and participate in group learning.The training series will contain a total of ten training and technical assistance sessions spread throughout the 2023-24 school year.  Click Here for More Information

Functional Behavior Assessment-Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA-BIP)

FBA/BIP training will provide an introduction to the concepts and systems necessary to utilize Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA-BIP) to support students with challenging behavior. These sessions will focus specifically on the processes and tools needed to assist coaches, facilitators and problem-solving teams in planning, implementing, and evaluating FBA-BIP.  

 We are not currently offering FBA/BIP training.  If you have questions or would like to discuss other opportunities for training, please contact ami.flammini@midwestpbis.org . Also, we encourage you to access our materials.

Click Here to Access our Materials


Developed by the University of New Hampshire, RENEW (Rehabilitation, Empowerment, Natural Supports, Education, and Work) is a unique application of the wraparound process designed for older, transition-aged youth, who are at the greatest risk of alternative placement and school dropout. RENEW focuses specifically on increasing effective school engagement, employment, post-secondary education and high school completion.  RENEW has shown success in reducing school dropout and school push out, while increasing high school participation and completion for students with emotional and behavioral challenges. (Malloy, Sundar, Hagner, Pieras, & Viet, 2010).

We are not currently offering RENEW training.  If you would like more information about RENEW, RENEW Training, RENEW Trainer of Trainers program, please contact the University of New Hampshire through their website https://iod.unh.edu/renew.

FBA-BIP Follow Up

This is specifically designed for FBA/BIP facilitators who have already been trained in FBA/BIP and are currently developing individualized plans for students.  We will use live student plans to dig deeper and gain a greater understanding of how to do Function Based Assessments so that the hypothesis statement is accurate and can guide the BIP development process, how to identify function-based strategies to help strengthen the BIPs, and how to continue to help our stakeholders engage in function-based thinking to make our plans as effective as possible. Please come to this session with a completed Competing Behavior Pathway and Behavior Intervention Plan completed on one student from your setting. Please make sure all identifying information is taken off of your document. These plans will be used to facilitate the learning process throughout the day.

Click Here to Learn More

FBA-BIP Coaching Capacity

This 1-day session will provide a refresher on the concepts and systems necessary to utilize Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Planning (FBA-BIP) to support students with challenging behavior. The session will focus specifically on how to coach facilitators in your district and is intended to help build the capacity of your district to support the FBA-BIP process.

Click Here to Learn More

Page links checked 12-7-21 AG