PowerPoints from previous conferences on topics related to Interconnected Systems Framework
SWK The Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF): Integrating Mental Health within the PBIS Framework, April 13, 2022, 19th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Lucille Eber & Kelly Perales, Midwest PBIS Network; Susan Barrett, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
SWK Interconnecting Mental Health within a School-Wide System of PBIS: Systems, Practices, Data, March 11, 2020, 17th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Lucille Eber, Midwest PBIS Network and Center on PBIS, & Kelly Perales, Midwest PBIS Network.
The Interconnected Systems Framework: Integrating Mental Health through Multi-Tiered Systems of Positive Behavior Support in Schools, Kansas Technical Assistance Systems Network (TASN). Lucille Eber, Midwest PBIS Network and National PBIS TA Center.
Using MTSS for Students with Internalizing Emotional/Behavioral Patterns, October 20, 2017, CSMH Conference. Mark Weist, University of South Carolina, Lucille Eber, Midwest PBIS Network and National PBIS TA Center, & Susan Barrett, Mid-Atlantic PBIS Network, National PBIS TA Center, and Sheppard Pratt Health System.
The Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) for Integrating Mental Health in Schools, October 2017, Vermont PBIS Conference. Lucille Eber, Midwest PBIS Network and National PBIS TA Center.
Practical Classroom Strategies and Interconnected Systems to Address Students' Mental Health and Trauma, September 12, 2017, Kansas MTSS Symposium. Lucille Eber, Midwest PBIS Network and National PBIS TA Center & Kelly McCauley, KVC Health Systems.
Integrating School Mental Health PBIS: Action Planning Companion Guide to the SWPBS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI), October 1, 2016, CSMH Conference. Lucille Eber, Midwest PBIS Network and National PBIS TA Center & Susan Barrett, Midatlantic PBIS Network, National PBIS TA Center, and Sheppard Pratt Health System.
Integrating School/Community Mental Health with a Multi-tiered System of Behavioral Supports, August, 2016. Lucille Eber, Midwest PBIS Network and National PBIS TA Center.
Incorporating Trauma-Sensitive Practices within MTSS, July 21, 2016, SWIFT 2016 National Professional Learning Institute: Better Together. Lucille Eber, Midwest PBIS Network and National PBIS TA Center.
Building on PBIS to Create a Trauma-Sensitive School: Ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability, August 19, 2015, Wisconsin PBIS Conference. Nic Dibble, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, & Lucille Eber, Midwest PBIS Network and National PBIS TA Center.
PBIS Leadership Forum Presentations
2019 PBIS Leadership Forum Sessions
These presentations can be found on the PBIS Leadership Forum page of the Center on PBIS website.
A9 : Supporting the Evolving Role of the School-based Clinician
A10: An Introduction to an Interconnected Systems Framework for Integrating PBIS & School Mental Health
B9: Tier II Groups for Students with Internalizing Mental Health Needs
B10: Integrating Trauma-informed Care into the PBIS Framework
C9: Integrating Mental Health at the District & School Level: Steps for Installation
C10: Building a Culture of Wellness in High Schools
D9: Installing Suicide Prevention District-wide through Community Partnerships
D10: Mental Health & PBIS: Regional Collaboration & Capacity Building
D11: Installing an Interconnected Systems Framework for Integrating PBIS & School Mental Health: Coaching District & Community Leadership Teams
E11: Integrating Social Emotional Instruction into the PBIS Framework
E12: Improving Family Engagement in an Interconnected Systems Framework
2017 National Leadership Forum
B7: Addressing Students with Internalizing Needs through School-wide PBIS
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