Tier 2 SEB Groups: Building a Continuum of Groups Beyond CICO
Note: This topic is not included on our training calendar this year, but feel free to use our posted materials below. If you are interested in this content and would participate in a training if offered next year (SY25-26), please email us at support@midwestpbis.org to let us know. Thank you!
This training is intended for district leaders and tier 2 coordinators from school teams across the district. Our research and implementation experience indicate that higher fidelity of implementation and outcomes are achieved when there is a district coordinated continuum of supports. While each school in your district may have varying student needs, using consistent language and procedures to select, define and implement a continuum of targeted interventions across the district will lead to more efficient and effective district support and improved student outcomes.
By participating in this training as a district team of professionals coordinating and implementing targeted interventions for groups of students, you will more effectively be able to (a) assess what is already happening across your district, (b) select and define a continuum of targeted interventions matched to your district needs, (c) develop an action plan that prioritizes implementation of one type of targeted intervention using core features of MTSS (as defined by Tiered Fidelity Inventory), and (d) gain knowledge to install and implement additional targeted interventions with fidelity.
Who Should Participate:
This training series is recommended for district teams supporting schools who have completed Tier 2 Team Training Cohort and have established some systems (e.g., team, data decision making procedures) according to the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI).
Maximum of 12 team members per district.
Districts leaders (e.g., Director of Special Education, Director of Student Support, Lead Clinician) who coordinate, lead, and provide support to school and community based clinicians
School and community based clinicians from across your district who coordinate and facilitate targeted interventions (i.e., groups that teach SEB skills) for groups of students.
Other representatives from schools in your district who demonstrate readiness to install a continuum of tier 2 interventions who provide the contextual knowledge of their school and may support implementation of targeted interventions (e.g., general education teachers (including PE, art, music, etc), special education teachers, paraprofessionals as well as building administrators with authority for school-based decision making.
What is included?
The district team will participate in a series of training and technical assistance activities in a cohort approach with other district and school leaders. Teams from training will continue in a Community of Practice together.
Training is 9 hours of total virtual training divided between three days and held across three months. The training supports assessing current social-emotional-behavioral (SEB) groups in place within your school and using data to identify and prioritize groups to modify and/or install within the school's current continuum. The lapsed time between the training day is to allow your team time for decision making on each step.
Communities of Practice- Representatives from district leaders and school teams (e.g., Director of Student Support, Clinician, Tier 2 Coach, administrator) from training will continue participation in ongoing facilitated communities of practice to monitor benchmarks of implementation, engage in ongoing problem solving, and technical assistance to support deepening implementation as they interact. (3 meetings)
What will our team be able to do?
Teams will walk away with an action plan to either modify or install one new SEB group within your school-wide continuum, but with knowledge of how to continue to modify and/or install additional SEB groups.
Training Objectives:
1) Discuss how different levels of groups meet needs of students
2) Assess current status (i.e., SEB groups currently in place and need to modify and/or install additional SEB groups) of targeted interventions implemented within the district
3) Select and define a continuum of targeted interventions matched to your district needs
4) Develop an action plan that prioritizes implementation of one type of group to build continuum of groups within your district and school
5) Gain knowledge to install and implement additional groups with fidelity
- Develop data decision rules
- Identify skills to be taught
- Identify roles and responsibilities of facilitators
- Monitor outcome and fidelity of groups
Why should we participate?
We recognize many districts and schools already have some type of social-emotional-behavioral (SEB) groups happening in their school. We want to help districts build from what they currently have by utilizing core features of PBIS (e.g., data and systems) to strengthen how groups are implemented across all schools in their district. From many years of implementation, we also recognize that there are a continuum of SEB groups that can meet the varying needs of students within your district. We want to help define this continuum of targeted interventions within your district and provide guidance for using your data to prioritize the interventions that will meet your overall district needs and then how to tailor to individual school needs when necessary.
This training series provides initial training and an action plan and offers ongoing support through three Community of Practice sessions. These sessions provide additional technical assistance and networking opportunities to share successes and address implementation challenges with other schools.
Training Materials
Day 1
Discuss how different levels of groups meet needs of students
Assess current status of targeted interventions implemented within the district
Day 2
Select and define a continuum of targeted interventions matched to your district needs
Develop an action plan that prioritizes implementation of one type of group to build continuum of groups within your district and school
Day 3
Gain knowledge to install and implement additional groups with fidelity
Develop data decision rules
Identify skills to be taught
Identify roles and responsibilities of facilitators
Monitor outcome and fidelity of groups