Frequently Asked Questions
If, after reviewing the Recognition information, you still have unanswered questions,
please email the Evaluation Team :
These FAQs are added to as questions are submitted to our team! We appreciate your feedback!
General Questions
Q: What states can apply for Recognition with Midwest PBIS Network?
A: Illinois
Q: In what situation does my school need to “apply” for Recognition?
A: Recognition is not required. However, if you'd like to be Recognized for your self-assessment of your PBIS implementation, you will need to submit a recognition application online and enter the school's TFI online in PBIS Assessment.
Recognition application:
TFI into PBIS Assessment:
Q: When does the online Recognition Application & our TFI need to be submitted?
A: May 1, 2025
Q: Our school missed the due date for Recognition. Can we still apply?
A: Yes. As always, "late" Recognition applications are accepted without penalty. We encourage you to submit your information using the online systems, even if it is past the published due dates. Late submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the summer months. All Recognized Schools will be sent congratulatory emails acknowledging their self-assessment of their PBIS implementation, and posted to the Recognized Schools list on our website.
Q: Where is the online Recognition Application?
A: In Survey Monkey -
Q: Can I begin an application, exit the application, and come back to it to complete it later on?
A: No. The application must be completed in one sitting. You cannot go back into your application later on. We estimate the required information will take 4 - 8 minutes to complete. Optional information will add to that time. Please plan accordingly.
Q: Can I review the application questions before I begin?
A: Yes - download this pdf of the application questions. Remember, this pdf is for your records only. All recognition applications should be submitted online via the Survey Monkey link provided.
Q: How many Coaches can I include on my school's online Recognition application?
A: You can enter up to 4 Coaches on the application: 1 District Coach, 3 School Coaches.
Q: When will Recognized Schools be posted to the Midwest PBIS Website?
A: By the end of May 2025. Late applications will be posted on a rolling basis over the summer months.
Q: Is there a required cover letter or other paperwork that needs to be completed?
A: No. The Recognition Process is intended to be as easy as possible, and focus school teams on the desired student outcomes. We hope the documents and data reported as part of the Recognition application are a routine part of team action planning.
Q: Can early childhood centers, juvenile justice facilities or alternative settings apply/be considered for Recognition?
A: Yes
Q: What file format will the Recognition decal and the optional Badges be shared as?
A: .png and/or .pdf
Q: How will I know that my school's application has been submitted successfully?
A: After you have completed the online application, you will see a message stating "You have successfully submitted your school's application".
Optional Badges
Q: How do I submit my information for the optional Storytelling Badge and/or the Action Planning Badge?
A: In the online Recognition application, there are areas of the form to include this information.
Q: Are the optional Storytelling Badge and the Action Planning Badges earned for each Tier?
A: No, these are a single badge. One badge for Storytelling, one badge for Action Planning.
Q: What are the requirements to include when submitting the Storytelling Badge and the Action Planning Badge?
A: Find all resources on our Recognition webpage.
Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Questions
Please read through this resource from PBIS Apps about conducting the TFI virtually with your team!
Q: Can I use the TFI 3.0?
A: Yes. We will accept EITHER the TFI 2.1 or the TFI 3.0.
Q: How do we access the TFI online?
A: The TFI is available at no cost on PBIS Assessments.
Login to with your user name and password, and click on PBISAssessments.
Look under "Open Survey Windows" for the "School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory".
Select “Forgot my Password” option to reset your password if you do not remember it.
If you need a PBIS Assessments account or need your TFI survey opened, and do not have a local PBIS Assessments Coordinator, email with your First & Last Name, email address, school name & district name/number.
Q: Do we need fidelity at Tiers on the TFI?
A: No. Fidelity at Tiers are not required for Recognition this year.
Q: Can we submit our paper copy of the TFI to the Midwest PBIS team? Can the Midwest team enter it online for us?
A: No. All responses to the TFI, and the Recognition application, must be entered online in each system by a representative from that school/district by the due date.
Q: Do I need to print a Report of my TFI scores and send them into the Midwest PBIS Office in order to be Recognized?
A: No. Please do not send us any documents via email unless we request it.
PBIS Assessments Questions
Q: Does my school need to submit additional assessment scores for Recognition?
A: No.
School teams are encouraged to take the assessments that they have historically taken and used for action planning (assessments through PBIS Apps). These results are not “required” for MW PBIS Recognition.
If your school did complete any of these assessments, they can use those assessments as documentation for items within the TFI.