Tier 1 School Team Training - Cohort Model
Capacity Building Sequence
This capacity building model is suitable if you are new to PBIS or need to re-boot your current implementation overall. PBIS is more likely to be successful when supported by district leadership.
Who Should Participate
Tier 1 School Teams-Tier 1 School Teams-Teams should be representative of your staff and composed of administrators, teachers (consider one per grade level), support staff, and other stakeholders in the school interested in improving school climate, and supporting all students and staff in a continuous improvement process. (Maximum 12 team members)
What is included in the model?
The cohort kicks off with a 12 hour Launch/Reboot training held over three days. The training supports development or improvement of necessary components of Tier 1 installation. Action plans are developed based on current context with progress towards high fidelity implementation.
Communities of Practice- Representation from school teams (i.e., Tier 1 Coach, administrator) from training are encouarged to participate in Building Implementers - IL Networking Opportunities to monitor benchmarks of implementation, engage in ongoing problem solving, and technical assistance to support deepening implementation as they interact.
Individualized Technical Assistance- In addition to communities of practice, school coaches and/or teams can access up to two individualized virtual coaching opportunities to focus on individual needs of the school community. (2 Individualized TA Events)
What will our team be able to do?
This training and technical assistance sequence is designed to help school teams develop the capacity to install and implement effective and efficient systems for Tier 1 implementation. Activities during training will guide teams in developing these systems.
Training Objectives:
• Assess current implementation of Tier 1 PBIS Implementation using the Tiered Fidelity Inventory
• Build school teams’ understanding of the critical components of Tier 1 PBIS to enhance implementation capacity
• Develop action plans to bolster Tier 1 PBIS Implementation
• Establish a Community of Practice to provide ongoing support to school Tier 1 teams
Why should we participate?
While initial training helps support teams in understanding and/or improving their knowledge and capacity related to Tier 1 installation, teams that receive ongoing support increase the likelihood of high fidelity implementation. As schools encounter setbacks, have questions, need support, systems have been established to support the team in problem solving, capacity building and delivering on action planning while continuously measuring outcomes.
Agenda & Materials
Day 1: Welcome and Overview of Tier 1
Readiness for virtual team training
Overview of PBIS and Tier 1
Plan for TFI Assessment and Action Steps
TFI 1.1 Team Composition
TFI 1.2 Team Operating Procedures
TFI 1.12 Discipline Data
TFI 1.13 Data-based Decision Making
TFI 1.3 Behavioral Expectations
Day 2
TFI 1.4 Teaching Expectations
TFI 1.9 Feedback and Acknowledgements
TFI 1.5 & 1.6 Problem Behaviors and Discipline Policies
Activities & Tools
Day 3
TFI 1.7 Professional Development Plan
TFI 1.10 Staff Involvement
TFI 1.11 Students/Family/Community Involvement
TFI 1.14 Fidelity
TFI 1.15 Evaluation
Activities & Tools
Rethinking Discipline (PDF) (Adapted from MO SW-PBS Team Workbook, retrieved 2.2013)
Page links checked 12-15-21 AG