Illinois Networking Opportunities

with Midwest PBIS Network 

Always FREE!

Register below

No matter your  phase of implementation with PBIS, a network of collaboration and support is always needed!

What are Illinois Networking Opportunities?

Free opportunities on Zoom to meet other people (i.e., coaches, administrators, teachers) in districts/schools who are implementing PBIS. These virtual meet-ups are opportunities to learn together by sharing your successes and problem solving your challenges. 

Who is the audience?

These opportunities are a targeted support for PBIS implementing schools in Illinois. Because they are virtual, we also welcome implementers from across the world to listen in.  New participants are welcome at every meeting! 

How will it work?

Midwest PBIS team will provide overview of content on Tiered Fidelity Inventory  features indicated and set-up time for networking toward solutions. Time will also be spent on coaching reminders, announcements and sharing newly available resources from the Center on PBIS

What should I expect to walk away with?

Schedule and Registration

Building Implementers - Tier 1 

TA and networking will be targeted at the building level implementation. Even though content will be focused around Tier 1 implementation, any tier coach, administrator or staff is welcome to join. All implementation experience  levels are welcome!

Each month will have a  topic. Space will also be made for opening networking. Come build your support network!

Click dates below to register:

  Free -- 3:00-4:00pm CST

Building Implementers - Tier 2

TA and networking will be targeted at the building level implementation. Even though content will be focused around Tier 2 implementation, any tier coach, administrator or staff is welcome to join. All implementation experience  levels are welcome!

Each month will have a  topic. Space will also be made for opening networking. Come build your support network!

Click dates below to register:

  Free -- 3:00-4:00pm CST

Regional - District Implementers

TA and networking will be targeted at the regional-district level coordination of PBIS. Any district leader is welcome to join. All implementation experience levels are welcome!

Each month will have a  topic. Space will also be made for opening networking. Come build your support network!

Click dates below to register:

  Free - 1:45-2:45pm CST

Regional-District Implementers Padlet

Coaching Resources

Recorded Content 

Use for your own refresher or to guide team in action planning. 

Tier 1 Recordings

Page links checked 1-14-22 plb